During 2025 we are going to expand our spare parts availability to our members. As we locate suitable parts for refurbishment we will then have them professionally refurbished and offer on an exchange basis to our members.
Currently we have reconditioned radiator and a Starter motor and Alternator refurbished.
We intend to offer further exchange refurbished components subject to finding suitable parts to recondition. We are looking for Capri 2.8i Power steering racks, brake calipers, starter motors and alternators. If you can help please contact us!
All exchange parts will be refurbished by leading professionals in their sphere of the Automotive industry! All will carry a Guarantee for a period following purchase. They will not necessarily be the cheapest on the market but you are assured of a quality product not a used part just cleaned and given a fresh coat of paint!
capri280 Group provide good quality products for our members because we are also enthusiasts first and foremost!
We own Capri's in my own case continuously since 1989! We know them inside out and I started my working life at 16 as an apprentice mechanic gaining City and Guilds with Distinction. This was followed by 7 years as a Ford trained partsman then many years as a Capri specialist trader. MWR Capri was my business and I supplied new Genuine Ford and Motorcraft parts to many satisfied customers. Many became regulars complimenting the service received. So you can be confident of a good service!
Well its taken a while longer than hoped but finally some progress! Following getting the Radiator on stock we now have a Starter motor and Alternator refurbished. These will be on stock from mid May!
Our biggest stumbling block has been obtaining core units and finding companies to provide quality refurbishment of the units.
Price of this work is not cheap but the Original Ford units used will be better quality than the cheaper Chinese items generally available.
Next project in our sights are Power steering racks and brake Calipers!
Once again we will exhibit at the NEC Practical Classics Restoration Show! We are in Hall 5 Stand 070 March 21 to 23rd.